Landscape Maintenance

Take A Look At ALL The Services We Offer:

  • Spring / Fall Clean – Ups
  • Landscape Maintenance
  • Fertilization & Weed Control
  • Bark
  • Irrigation Services
  • Landscape Bed Maintenance
  • Mowing
  • Small Tree / Shrub Pruning

Landscape Maintenance

We offer a wide range of lawn and landscape services to assist you in creating an attractive focal point for your home or business. Any of these services can be combined into one contract or quoted individually. Each property we manage receives customized services based on the specific needs of the customer. We will be pleased to provide a quote for our services.

Scroll Down To Learn More About Each Of The Services Below

Spring Clean Up

Spring Clean Up (late March-early April):

  • Lawn and planting bed areas cleaned of leaves and other winter debris.
  • Concrete walks, drives, and patios will be blade edged.
  • Shredded bark mulch is typically installed after clean-up upon customer request.


Proper mowing is important not only in generating a more attractive appearance, but also in encouraging strong growth and proper turf development as well. With that in mind, our crews utilize several types and sizes of riding and push mowers, using what ever it takes to create a clean, professional appearance. Additionally, all excess grass is blown off walks, drives, and patios. Walks, drives, and curbs are also edged by-weekly to create a crisp, clean edge. Our mowing schedule consist of April through October. April mowing is on a as required or requested basis. May through September mowing is performed on a routine weekly schedule. October mowing is performed every 10 – 14 days as needed (this is adequate as growth slows down).


Bark Mulch is usually applied at a 2-3″ depth. For optimum benefits and appearance, usually in the spring or early summer, a light layer of mulch is added to existing bark beds. This new layer maintains a 2-3″ depth by replacing that which has decomposed and disappeared during clean-up of leaves, pruning’s, etc. This fresh layer of bark also spruces up the planting beds for another season. The mulch is also effective in retaining the moisture content in the beds and helps to slow the weed growing process as well.

We offer several different varieties of mulch for our customers to choose from including:

  • Premium Shredded Hardwood
  • Cedar Bark Mulch
  • Color Enhanced (Brown, Black, Red, Gold)
  • Color Enhanced Shredded Hardwood

Fall Clean Up

Fall Clean Up (late October-November):

Most perennials and grasses are cut back in the fall to give your landscape beds a clean appearance during the winter months. Leaves are collected and removed from your yard in order to minimize the negative impact a heavy leaf cover can have on your landscape. Fall clean ups are performed in October through November.

Fertilizing & Weed Control

Evergreen’s lawn care program consists of balanced fertilization at the right time for the season. Our seasonal program runs from early spring to late fall. We have a 5 Step Fertilization program that we standardly recommend to our customers.

Step 1: (Spring) – Stimulates new growth and color/prevents weeds.

Step 2: (Early Summer) – Prepares the lawn for the summer stress/controls broadleaf weeds.

Step 3: (Summer) – Provides regulated nourishment to prevent burning.

Step 4: (Early Fall) – Promotes healthy growth/controls broadleaf weeds.

Step 5: (Fall) – Stimulates strong root growth/promotes spring color.

Applications throughout the season can be adjusted depending on the needs of our customer’s turf. 

We also offer a grubworm application (Merit) to prevent grubs and attracting moles.

Other lawn services available to add include Perimeter Pest Control, Mole Control, Core Aeration, Overseeding, Dethatching, and Lime applications. 

Irrigation Services​

Proper irrigation is essential to the health of your turf and plants. To ensure your system is up and running the way, it should be, we provide irrigation services as well. Our services include Spring Turn On’s, System Repairs, and Winterizations. 

Landscape Bed Maintenance​

Since just even a few weeds have the potential to diminish the attractiveness of even the most beautiful landscape, we strongly encourage planting bed maintenance services for all of our customers. We typically include visits every month in order to effectively maintain the neat and clean appearance of the landscapes at each of our properties.

Small Tree / Shrub Pruning​

We prune shrubs, bushes, hedges and ground covers twice per year, as required. While some plantings may not require any pruning, others will require both. Though two pruning’s are adequate for most plantings, some sites with excessive, fast growing hedges may be bid for two pruning plus a third pruning for the hedges only. In pruning twice per year it is difficult to prune every plant at the most ideal time. Extreme care is taken, however, to minimize noticeable flower and bud loss during the pruning of flowering shrubs. Only trees under 20 feet in height are trimmed (except for low, interfering limbs on taller trees.) Trees are trimmed twice per year. Usually, a late winter/early spring overall pruning is performed, following in the summer/fall with a pruning to remove suckers and water sprouts.